Espero que mi ojo pueda encuadrar sin cuadricularse. Mantenerse abierto sin ensuciarse, que se permita llorar, soñar, brillar y enamorarse.
On board
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Hello! I really liked your forum, especially this section. I just signed up and immediately decided to introduce myself, if I'm wrong section, ask the moderators to move the topic to the right place, hopefully it will take me well... My name is Mary, me 29 years, humourist and serious woman in one person. I apologize for my English
Some may feel squeamish about eating it, but rabbit has a fan base that grows as cooks discover how easy they are to raise — and how good the meat tastes.
Desde la esnaqui.(mis escritos) Pre-testos para no morir de aburrimiento.-textos para no morir de aburrimiento.
Ojo cuadrado.(mis fotos) Espero que mi ojo pueda encuadrar sin cuadricularse. Mantenerse abierto sin ensuciarse, que se permita llorar, soñar, brillar y enamorarse.
Todos sus muertos.(mi novela) Una historia real basada en hechos ficticios. Un intento por masacrar fantasmas y homenajear procesos, justamente en tiempos donde nadie tiene tiempo, para esas huevonadas.
elParlante.(mis videos) Colectivo de comunicación especializado en producción audiovisual y dinamización de redes sociales.
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Hello! I really liked your forum, especially this section. I just signed up and immediately decided to introduce myself, if I'm wrong section, ask the moderators to move the topic to the right place, hopefully it will take me well... My name is Mary, me 29 years, humourist and serious woman in one person. I apologize for my English
Some may feel squeamish about eating it, but rabbit has a fan base that grows as cooks discover how easy they are to raise — and how good the meat tastes.
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